Ocean Film Festival

Ocean Film Festival

Archebwch Nawr

Camwch ar fwrdd y llong am noson o antur ar y môr! Mae Gŵyl Ffilmiau Môr y Byd yn cynnwys dau gasgliad newydd o’r ffilmiau mwyaf anhygoel am antur ar y môr!

Yn cael eu cyflwyno i chi’n arbennig gan y tîm y tu ôl i daith Gŵyl Ffilmiau Mynydd Banff y DU ac Iwerddon, mae'r detholiad hwn o ffilmiau byr yn cyfuno bywyd môr syfrdanol a mordeithiau gwyllt mewn dathliad sinematig o'n cefnforoedd.

Mentrwch i ddyfnderoedd dirgelaf y blaned i gyfarfod y syrffwyr, padlwyr, plymwyr a gwyddonwyr sydd wedi cysegru eu bywydau i ateb galwad y môr. Ymgollwch yn rhyfeddodau’r môr mawr glas - heb wlychu eich traed!

Gweler www.oceanfilmfestival.co.uk am ragor o wybodaeth.


We are pleased to announce that Ms Frankie Hobro will be joining us for a FREE pre show talk. She will share her in depth knowledge and passion for sea life conservation and her latest project on building a bespoke turtle facility.

Ms Frankie Hobro is a Conservationist and Director of the Anglesey Sea Zoo Marine Conservation Centre, Sŵ Môr Môn. The aquarium has only British exhibits and specialises in conservation, education and sustainability, with long-established breeding programmes for endangered British marine species including critically endangered British seahorses and lobsters.

The Sea Zoo works within the local community and further afield, with innovative conservation projects that have a positive environmental impact in Wales, the UK and internationally. They lead by example in sustainability issues, including generating power from solar panels, tree planting, not using single use plastics and organising regular beach clean-ups along the Menai Strait.

The Sea Zoo team are internationally recognised as experts in the rescue and rehabilitation of cold-stunned tropical sea turtles and they are fundraising to build the first bespoke turtle rescue facility in the UK.

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